Sands Montessori Before School Program - 552220103

Before School Program- Sands


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Activity Details

Before School Program- Sands

Meeting Details

Time: 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Days: Mon - Fri
Sands Montessori School
6421 Corbly St
Cincinnati, OH, 45230


At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass type list: ALLCITY (Citywide Center Pass), valid on transaction date.
Age older than or equal to 4.25 and younger than or equal to 12.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 07/10/24 @ 4:00pm.
Section Code prerequisite Match One: 342220104_01 (Session 1A - Preschool Summer Camp), 342220104_02 (Session 1B - Preschool Summer Camp), 342220104_03 (Session 2A - Preschool Summer Camp), 342220104_04 (Session 2B - Preschool Summer Camp), 342220106_01 (Summer Day Camp), 552220103_01 (Before School Program- Sands), 552220102_01 (After School Program- Sands).
Transaction date/time after 07/08/24 @ 7:00am and before 07/10/24 @ 4:00pm.
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass code list: 422AllCity (Mt. Washington Citywide Recreation Center Membership), valid on item begin date.


Equal to 10 days before the Enrollment(s) end date.

Before School Program- Sands

Deposit for before school is $300.00, starting in September payment is $200.00/month. Last payment will be in April. Deposit for afterschool is $360.00, starting in September payment will be $240.00/month. Last payment will be in April. Deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. Payment is due by the 1st of every month. Installment billing will be run the 15th of each month. If current bill is not paid by then a late fee of $10.00 will be added to your account. If during the school year you don't need our services we must receive an email a month ahead letting us know you no longer will need our services the next month, otherwise you will be charged for the next month, and will need to make payment. If service is not needed for a month, your child will be removed to make room from someone on the waitlist, and your child can then be reregistered and added to the waitlist in the event that you would require the service again.
No program on Holidays or when CPS has No School.


Sands BSDC Installment Bill Fee (Installment Bill Fee): $200.00 = $200.00
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